Instagram Stories proved to be an instant hit, shooting up to 100 million daily active users within barely two months after its launch in 2016.
It now easily clocks upwards of 400 million daily users. Naturally, then, businesses have taken notice, and the smartest brands are using the quirky power of Instagram Stories for marketing purposes.
Instagram is a hit with the young, and users under 25 spend an average of 33 minutes a day on it. For slightly older users, the figure is still an impressive 24 minutes per day. More than a third of Instagram users watch Stories every day.
Stories is the Facebook-owned app’s answer to Snapchat and allows users to collate video footage and pictures into engaging slideshows, which can then be enhanced using graphics, text, and emojis.
Instagram Stories gives businesses a new platform to engage with newer audiences creatively and promote their brands, products, and services. That’s why 50% of businesses on Instagram have already made a Story.
There are many ways of using Stories to improve your brand’s awareness among users, which can even lead to direct sales.
McDonald’s Malaysia increased its sales three times and reached 60% of its targeted millennials by using playful, animated videos in Instagram Stories.
You can use the feature to share announcements about new products, services, or behind-the-scenes news from your company. Because of its instant nature, the feature helps to create a personal connection with potential customers. Using humor and a light, human touch is a great way to increase brand awareness with the younger audience.
In fact, product promotion tops the list of Stories posted by brands, followed by influencer takeovers and live events.
Airbnb uses Stories to ask viewers to identify specific destinations shown in the Story through the poll feature.
Instagram Story Highlights is an exciting addition released in December 2017. You can use Highlights to introduce your brand through great visuals, and tell whoever is landing on your Instagram page why your product or service has such a cool quotient.
Check out the awesome infographic below to learn more about Instagram Stories.
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- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost- I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies.
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