Almost every mechanic wants to have their own auto repair shop as soon as they are able to. There is nothing as fulfilling for most skilled and experienced mechanics as owning their own auto repair shop.
Once you feel the time is nigh and you are ready, you must figure out how to put up a shop that will satisfy both you and your clients. While skills are important, a shop that runs efficiently is even more so.
There are two things you must take into consideration before you can set up shop:
- Â Â Â Â Â Â The right premises
- Â Â Â Â Â Â The right equipment
The Right Premises
You may have the equipment but without space, you cannot begin your operations. The right space for an auto repair shop must have the following:
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Wide Access
You will be having cars drive in and out. You must have space for that. In addition, vehicles will be getting on and off hoists and they will need enough clearance for that. Temporary structures such as the ones built by Smart-Space are the perfect solution for requirements such as these.
- Â Â Space and Facilities
The floor area of your repair shop should be enough for at least two hoists. Also ensure that the room has the required depth to enable you to inside the shop. You will also need space for an office, reception area and a lunchroom.
- Â Â Natural light and Ventilation
This is another benefit you will enjoy with a temporary structure. They are built with materials that allow natural light to flood the working space. This is important as it makes it easier to notice stains left by fluids and tine splits and damages. Natural light is significantly better than artificial lighting.
In addition, natural ventilation is crucial in a space where noxious fumes are emitted constantly.
The Right Equipment
The right equipment to get your auto repair shop ready for business includes the following:
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Air Compressor
A variety of tools within the shop must be operated with an air compressor. These include auto lifts and pneumatic hand tools. You must get a good quality air compressor in order to have the power necessary for powering your shop’s needs.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Hoists
To begin with, at least hoists will do. Do not go for the cheapest options in the market. A cheap hoist has a lifespan of approximately two years. Â Cheap becomes rather expensive with constant repairs. Sometimes, parts are out of stock which can be very inconveniencing. Besides, cheap hoists can turn out to be dangerous.
One of the hoists should be a clear span one. This means that there is nothing on the floor linking the two sides of the hoist.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Basic Auto Repair Tools
These include hand tools such as:
ü  The full range of circlip pliers
ü  Bearing pullers
ü  Ring and open end spanners
ü  Handheld mechanics lamps air guns and lines
ü  Rolling oil pans
ü  Cooling fluid pans
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Jacks, Jack and Jack Stand
The vehicles will need to be raised. A good-quality jack is therefore a necessity as is is a good pole jack for supporting axles.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â A Workbench with a Vise
This is essential when you need to work on parts. Since a fair amount of pummeling and hammering is done on your workbench, a sturdy one that will not break under all that force.
You will invest in more equipment as your business grows. Money is always needed especially in startups. Therefore, you do not want to spend the bulk of your capital on pricey business premises. A temporary building has the same facilities as a permanent one with the additional benefits of being versatile and pocket-friendly.
Author Profile
I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites. Check out my personal blog - Dinesh Kumar VM
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