Have you ever wondered how to get more engagement on your Facebook page?
It’s a question on the minds of many small business owners but one that often gets overlooked.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to optimize your Facebook page for more engagement!
We’ve compiled them here to see which ones might work best for your business.
1. Post Content That Attracts Engagement
To get more engagement on your Facebook page, you must post the most impressive social media content. That means:
- The right mix of text and images. Some people love the written word; others are visual learners. It’s best to strike a good balance between the two types of content and ensure that at least one-third of your posts include images or videos.
- Relevant, timely information that’s appropriate for your target audience—in other words, no politics or religion unless pertinent to your brand! Think about what keeps people engaged in real life and use that as inspiration for what will keep them coming back.
2. Use Polls to Further the Discussion With Your Customers
Polls are a great way to collect data and feedback from customers. Start by posing straightforward queries such, “What is your favorite flavor of pizza?” You may utilize the information you gain from the comments to inform future articles and updates, such as “Do you prefer red or white wine?” or “Do you prefer red or white meat?”
In addition to collecting data and feedback, polls can create further engagement on your Page by getting people talking about something they have in common with other community members. For example, if there is an upcoming sporting event in town that everyone is looking forward to watching — such as a big football game on Sunday afternoon — create a poll about which team each person thinks will win!
Polls can also be used as an icebreaker during slow times; try creating fun ones like “what do you think of this photo?” or “what is your favorite movie genre?”
3. Post Live Videos to Generate More Views and Increase Watch Time
Live quality videos are an excellent method to engage your audience. They allow you to give them a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at your business, share customer testimonials, and answer questions from customers who may be hesitant about purchasing from you.
Facebook Live videos are also an excellent way to introduce new products or services, and they’re an effective tool for promoting special events like webinars or product launches. If you’re hosting a live event, use Facebook Live as an opportunity to get people excited about it and encourage engagement by sharing teaser clips of the event beforehand so viewers can begin anticipating what’s coming up next!
4. Add Videos to the Top of Your Page
If you’re not using videos on your Facebook page, it’s time to start. Videos are great for attracting and engaging new followers and a great way to show off the personality of your business.
If you have an upcoming event, add a video about it.
If your service is incredibly unique or fun, add a video explaining it and making people want to experience it in person—or at least try out the product! If there’s anything else that sets you apart from other businesses (or makes customers feel special), consider adding a relevant video as well.
5. Respond to Comments and Messages
One of the best ways to engage with your community is by responding to comments and messages. Responding to comments and messages is a great way to build relationships with your customers, increase your Page’s engagement, and even increase watch time — all of which can help you reach higher levels of success when it comes to advertising on Facebook.
6. Create a Custom Facebook Audience
Facebook has a few different ways you can create custom audiences. You can make them based on location or interests, which will allow you to target people most likely to be interested in your content.
Custom audiences are groups of people you want to target with ads, so if you have an email list, for example, it could be helpful to create one based on those subscribers and target them with ads when they log into their Facebook accounts.
Another way is based on location: if someone visits your website from a particular city (e.g., San Francisco), then creating a custom audience from that person would include everyone who lives there and has visited your site from there before (including those who might have done so accidentally).
7. Sync Your Facebook Page With Instagram
By linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts, you can sync your photos from Instagram to your Facebook page. This will help you get more organic reach on the social network and make it easier for people to find you. You can also use Instagram Stories to share content with your followers, who can then like or comment on the story.
You should also create unique content using the Facebook Camera app, which allows users to add filters and text to their photos before sharing them with friends or posting them on pages for others to see.
If you’re hosting an event or organizing an event around a product launch, consider using Facebook Live to stream videos from the scene and answer questions from viewers in real time. This helps keep people engaged with what’s happening online instead of just reading about it later when they check out reviews online after seeing them pop up in their news feeds while scrolling through their phones at home without being invited back again until next year.”
8. Boost Engagement With Facebook Ads
Boosting engagement on Facebook is about more than just posting great content. You can use Facebook ads to generate more likes and comments and reach new audiences.
- Target specific people with your ads by targeting users based on their interests and demographic information such as age, location, gender, and more.
- Boost posts from a Page or promote an event you’re hosting with the Pages app on mobile devices so that it appears in News Feeds for all users who follow your Page (people who don’t follow won’t see these ads).
- Promote videos or other content through the Boost Post option in Business Manager—you can target specific people or use keywords; if you choose keywords, we’ll show your ad to anyone who searches them while they’re browsing Facebook or Instagram within 24 hours of your post being published (or 48 hours if they have already seen your post).
9. Offer Exclusive Content by Using the Milestone Feature
You can use milestones to create a sense of exclusivity and urgency. When creating a milestone, you can specify the number of people who will see the milestone at any given time (up to 500). A common practice is to set it so that only those who are “friends of fans”, or “fans of this page” see it.
You could also set it so that people can click on the milestone to see it. This creates an exclusive feeling around your content and encourages interaction with followers without too much work for them!
10. Have Fun and Learn From Your Fans!
Once you’ve created a Facebook Page, use the Insights tool to see how your posts perform. This will help you know what types of content work best and what doesn’t work at all. It would help if you also asked for feedback from your fans so that they could tell you which pages they visited often, and which ones didn’t interest them as much.
Facebook offers another great tool called Messenger that allows businesses and consumers to interact with each other directly through text messages. The more open communication between brands and customers, the better!
It would help if you also kept an eye on other businesses in your industry; learn from their successes or failures by observing what they post on their pages (or how often).
Finally, test different types of content, such as photos with text overlays versus videos or live streams with other formats, until you find something that works well for your audience.
Facebook Is An Excellent Business Tool If You’re Strategic About It
It’s easy to get carried away and try to do everything at once, but that’s not always the best approach. Instead, focus on one or two goals at a time and keep them in mind as you plan your posts. You’ll be able to reach more people and make better use of your time—seeing results faster!
Want even more tips? We’ve got some ideas:
- Research what your audience likes before posting anything new.
- Don’t forget about the images! When done correctly, they can be just as effective (or even more so) than text-based posts. * Stay active on Facebook throughout the day—even if it’s just for a few minutes. * Watch out for bad news stories regarding competitors or industry trends; this information will help guide future content creation efforts.
In conclusion, Facebook is an excellent platform for brands to connect with their customers. It’s a great way to build brand awareness and create a community of loyal fans who will buy your products or services. But if you want to get the most out of your Facebook page, there are some simple things you can now that will help increase engagement—and thus sales!
Author Profile

- Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Education, Business & Lifestyle Blogs in the United Kingdom & Germany | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism and Course Instructor at the SeekaHost University.
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