Working for one for the top software companies in London is a dream for every software developer who graduated with a software engineering degree.
Figuring out what you want to do in life is easy, you only need to work where your interests lie. Figuring out where to work on the other hand is not as easy. One day you could be praising what and how a company is doing and the next harshly criticizing the decisions made by the management.
Looks can be deceiving, and you might find yourself working for a company that on the face of it has top-notch reviews but in reality is underwhelming.
Luckily for us job seekers, Glassdoor allows employees to submit anonymous reviews on their workplace. There is no way to know how working at a particular place is without experience, but with honest staff reviews, you can get a rough idea. Companies do not alter the reviews made of them.
You can rest assured the feedback given is as close to honest as it gets.
- DCSL Software
DCSL software was named Business of the Year in 2018 during the Inspire Business Awards. This is one of three awards they won in 2018. The company has a total of 39 reviews and a 4.6 rating on the Glassboro. The business only sources for top talents that you work with to hone your skills. They admittedly offer a relaxed and calmed environment as you work, perks to motivate you and a variety of social events to network through. When you need a short break, you can play foosball, table tennis or pool. Replenish your energy by grabbing a quick snack from the kitchen or go for your weekly training session.
- Advanced
Advanced Computer Software, now known as Advanced, is a private company that was founded in 2008. The company records revenue of about 100 pounds to 500 million pounds (GBP) each year. Advanced promises to work with you at the right place whether you join them as your starting out or with some experience. You have the opportunity to undergo a professional development program from 18 months. Other programs to grow your skills include a leadership programme and a sales academy. This is the company for you if you wish to push yourself to greater heights.
Google has a 4.3 rating and approximately ten thousand reviews on Glassdoor. Google is one of the best-rated places for you to work in 2019. Google’s innovative environment would best suit those that like to discover and develop new areas of technology. Staff members work with and enjoy the perks Google for a long time. Perks offered include dental, transport, food and health benefits. Interns report having enjoyed and learned from their short interaction with the company. Employee reviews respond positively to the space to work from home which is becoming increasingly popular.
- Innovify
Innovify hosts employee interaction events such as monthly parties and anniversary celebrations. These events are a good break from work and an opportunity to get to know your workmates. Additionally, you get to expand your networks with other professionals working in the same field. The company also offers a lot of different training sessions for staff to work on their skills. Hard work and top results are rewarded with performance bonuses and salary increments. Management is responsive to feedback and actively works to introduce new creative projects that are both new and challenging. Working hours are flexible including an allowance to work from home should you please.
It is not a surprise to anyone that the company has a 4.5 rating and over three thousand reviews on the interviews and benefits offered. The company has a supportive environment and encourages colleague interactions. It also doesn’t hurt that they have a well-stocked kitchen. Contractors, interns, and staff members all give favorable reviews of their time and experience with Facebook. You are bound to be exposed to innovation and challenges that push you to be better. The company offers flexible working hours, commendable sick pay benefits such as membership and a company car. The company’s CEO has however recently come under fire for past practices.
- TOPdesk Ltd
TOPdesk is highly regarded as having a great, positive ethos and work culture. Flexibility makes it easy to manage a family-work or student-work life balance. This is a great company if balancing the different aspects of your life is important to you. The company fosters a close-knit working environment that promotes professional growth. Professional growth is also encouraged through training courses and professional development.
- Intellectsoft UK;
Intellectsoft UK is a fast growing software company that exposes its employees to what is current in IT. You get to apply your skills to new tech stimulating creativity. The company has a 4.6 rating from staff and is praised for the experience gained while working there. Feedback from staff is openly received and appropriately responded to. This is especially beneficial if you are never afraid of speaking your mind and value positive interactions with management.
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- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost- I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies.
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