The security of enterprise documents is of great importance today as companies look to improve their protection to prevent both information leakage and the way users can use the file. The Digital Rights Management is an additional method to extend the security of your files that are used by most corporations to guarantee their privacy.
Before worrying about outside intruders, corporations must ensure that the content is shared only to a certain group of individuals. After all, some details can’t be kept accessible to everyone in the company. Such information includes price lists, financial information, internal procedures, customer analyses, training documents and etc.
Just like many of us, you might believe that the normal PDF reader has its security sorted out, but that’s not true. There are specific security controls that allow you to determine who can access the document. However, that may not stop the individual from exploiting it.
Security solutions
Throughout the years, we’ve seen a variety of solutions that “fix” the exploiting problem. Some software will prevent the use of USB drives, while others detect emails with sensitive information. Scanning devices, for example, can refuse the document if it contains “reserved” words. However, none of these tactics solved the problem fully.
Digital Rights Management or Enterprise DRM is now considered the final solution. It introduces a variety of controls, some of which don’t exist on the ordinary operating system. Some of them include the following:
- Print Screen Prevention
- Control over Printing
- Making the document accessible only to certain IPs
- Give control over specific groups
- Allow the document to be used only for a certain time
- Prevent access to document in real-time when you decide.
Nowadays, cloud services have taken a large portion of the document’s administration and cloud-based security has gained huge popularity. Also, users must have access to their information while the servers aren’t available due to airplane travel, for example. Sometimes, you might have to access it from different devices – tablet, laptop, phone – and it must work perfectly every time.
Every person has the need to check valuable documents in public places and the idea is to do it without leaving any traces. You don’t want to leave unprotected information on uncontrolled devices.
Document Auditing
You can enjoy the audit controls as an additional security measure. This includes:
- Whether or not the user has read the document
- When was it opened
- Has the file been printed
Most quality standards such as ISO9000 require this to show that quality is of paramount importance. meets the latest security requirements to ensure the security of your belongings. By integrating the advanced protocols mentioned above, you’ll increase the protection of your documents greatly.
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- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost- I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies.
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