Home cleaning has been around in London for years. As the way of life has changed dramatically and is now more fast-paced than ever, people need to be able to book and organise their house-keeping in a quicker manner too. Aside from a few startups from across the pond such as Handy and Helping, there aren’t many businesses in this industry trying to innovate.
There are certain companies that are willing to embrace innovation and take the business into the 21st century though. An example of a business that’s trying to innovate every way possible is Royal Cleaning. The company not only embraces innovative ways of communicating with clients, such as live chat, Viber and others, but it also has integrated better communication channels between the teams involved. Aside from using Slack for communication, they have already implemented the use of a PBX phone system with IVR menu where clients can get redirected to the right department.
Aside from that many other innovative methods of tracking clients, customer acquisition and lead generation channels are also involved in the company’s goal of becoming the leader in home services across London and the UK. After a rapid success in the home cleaning industry, they’ve actually expanded in servicing two other home-based services, home removals and handyman. The name Royal can be seen more and more throughout London and Oxford, as well as Reading and Birmingham already.
The company’s head of business development shared with us that they are in the process of building an App that will offer all of the services combined and you’ll have the ability to book the services easily from your smartphone. Although an app just for cleaning isn’t really something that would interest most people, an application where you can contact a legitimate business for any of your home service needs is definitely something you might need, especially nowadays when finding a good tradesperson isn’t something easy. Websites such as Check-a-Trade and RatedPeople are definitely a step in the right direction, but you still need to do your own due diligence to ensure those businesses are legit and can help you out with your needs and within the budget, you’re willing to pay.
Royal Cleaning and Royal services have a 24/7 office that supports you over live chat, phone and email and they claim to reply within about 15 minutes of the initial query over live chat and phone, while replying instantly over the phone. Cleaning has long been a job that people have done as sole traders, but people nowadays want things to be convenient, easy to use and literally in the palm of their hand if possible. This explains the emergence of app-based companies such as Uber and Deliveroo of course.
If you need help with a job such as end of tenancy cleaning or are in need of any other type of home cleaning service, Royal Cleaning are probably a good choice, especially if you’re a person that likes to combine technology and does everything from his smartphone. And if you’re looking for house cleaning in New Orleans,  house cleaning service in New Orleans is here to serve you.
Author Profile

- Deni Ivanov is a content marketing specialist with a background in sourcing relevant high quality backlinks and building powerful highly relevant citations for businesses of all sorts. He's been a part of Optilocal for a few years and has helped many companies target their local markets successfully
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Business NewsFebruary 21, 2019Innovation in the home cleaning industry