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What Are the Best Measurement Practices for Your Social Advertising?
With the ever-changing world of the social media landscape, marketing in this channel becomes a bit overwhelming. What works now may not work for the following years, or months. What converts now may not be that effective after some time. Facebook continues to upgrade its advertising features, and if you’re someone new to this endeavor, you might get lost with its intricacies. Thus, it is essential to have knowledge not just on creating great campaign strategies, but also with tracking results once you start running them. In this way, you’ll know whether you would be successful in driving traffic leads, or not.
But, tracking the success of social media campaigns would never be an easy task. With businesses’ varying goals, measurement won’t always be congruent with one another. Since there are a couple of metrics available, it also adds confusion in deciphering which ones should be best to monitor. Things only get less complicated when you’re geared with the right attitude and knowledge about social media analytics and tools that could effectively assist you. With measurement, you won’t just be able to track success, but you could also avoid expensive mistakes and work with aspects that need improvement.
Let’s delve deeper into why you need to prioritize tracking your social media engagements and campaigns.
The Importance of Measuring Social Media CampaignsÂ
As a business or as a company starting to explore social media marketing, posting content and waiting for results isn’t sufficient to ensure success. To make sure your social media efforts won’t go down the drain, you need to employ continuous measurement and social reporting. With tracking, you could analyze at which point drives you more leads or visits. It also allows you to see which platform best presents your ads, so when you do your next campaigns, you know where to invest and dedicate more of your resources. With social tracking, you could also experiment and be ready for whatever advancement or changes in the channels.
Another reason you need to measure your engagement, specifically your ROI, is to determine if you’re delivering value on your audience – how much it is or how effective it is. Content plays a huge role in establishing your social media visibility and earning your social media revenue. This means that a high ROI would equate to how engaging and relevant your selling messages are. On the other way, if you see low ROI and engagements, something must be off with your messages, and so it needs to be taken care of.
The Best Steps to Measure Your Social Advertising
The first thing you need to bear in mind is you’re tracking social media, not just to say you’re using metrics. You’re measuring your social media engagements because you’re eager to see which and which do not work among your campaigns. Here are the most effective ways to play with metrics:
Identify your goals and KPIs that matter
Businesses explore options with digital marketing consultant’s either to create awareness, to generate leads or provide customer support. Whatever it is, you must clearly determine which path you’re about to take so measuring success won’t be that complicated in the end.
Match goals with the right metrics
If you’re eager to measure awareness, then look out for reach and volume. But if your goal is to drive engagement or traffic, it’s best to measure conversions, website clicks, or URL shares. You don’t need to use or analyze tons of metrics but prioritize what only works for you and your business.
Find the best tools
After you determine which metrics suit you, you can now start measuring. Social media channels provide their own analytics to help you with this. You can also find numerous tools over the internet to give you real-time reports. Some would require payments, and some are available to use for free.
Report the results
Things do not stop after the measuring process. You have to craft a report that would show your findings. This would help you or your team understand where your business stands right now and how advance or behind it is from your competitors.
Improve, and measure again
Having the findings, you would now be able to make certain changes to your campaigns or your social media posts. Look back to your business goals and strategize your moves to ensure success the next time around. Don’t forget to measure while on the process!
Measuring your social media activities is crucial. It helps you continue making stronger and smarter business decisions as you move forward. Start measuring, and achieve success in your social media endeavors!
Author Profile

- Olatz unlocks growth opportunities for good people and brands who deserve them, resulting in more brand awareness, more authority, and more revenue. She is a Senior Digital Marketing Consultant with more than 10 years of experience in both Web analytics and Digital Marketing including SEO, PPC or Display. She is highly experienced at planning and executing effective marketing strategies across varied disciplines and also Certified by Google in Adwords (GAP) and Google Analytics.